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William Herbert "Buck" Dunton: A Mainer Goes West Exhibition Catalogue

$ 35.00

Exhibition catalogue for William Herbert "Buck" Dunton: A Mainer Goes West on view at Phoenix Art Museum June 17, 2023 - June 30, 2024.

William Herbert “Buck” Dunton: A Mainer Goes West celebrates the legacy of the Taos Society of Artists’ (TSA) resident “cowboy painter.” Founded in 1915, the TSA also included Oscar E. Berninghaus, E.L. Blumenschein, E. Irving Couse, Bert Geer Phillips, and Joseph Henry Sharp. Outfitted in a ten-gallon hat, cowboy boots, and chaps, Maine native Dunton (1879-1936) created captivating paintings of frontiersmen firmly cemented in the historical genre of the American West. These works created a mythology of the west, focusing on the romantic geographic and cultural Southwest landscapes.

Softcover | 90 pages.